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Food and Chemical Toxicology

Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) publishes original research articles, reviews, and case reports on the toxic effects,in animals or humans, of natural or synthetic chemicals occurring in the human environment with particular emphasis on food safety, chemical safety, and other areas of consumer product safety. Research papers with a clear scientific contribution to the field of food/chemical toxicology will be given preference in the review process. Manuscripts concerning materials/substances of only local interest for which the chemical composition of the material/substance is not clearly defined will not be considered. In addition to these areas, papers on industrial and agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals are encouraged. Furthermore new areas such as safety evaluation of novel foods and ingredients and biotechnologically derived products, including nanomaterials and inter-relationships between nutrition and toxicology are encouraged. Studies should address the physiological, biochemical or pathological changes induced by specific substances, techniques for assessing potential toxicity, including molecular biology or the mode/mechanisms underlying toxic phenomena. All aspects of in vivo toxicology are covered, including systemic effects on specific organ systems, immune functions, carcinogenesis and reproductive/developmental toxicology. Papers reporting the toxicological examination of specific chemicals or consumer products are published irrespective of the positive or negative nature of the results, provided the tests and reporting meet current standards of scientific adequacy. FCT encourages submission of in vitro papers, particularly those fostering the 3 Rs.

Ultimi Tweets

06/06/2016 - 11:11
Nuovo componente inserito: Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
29/05/2016 - 10:04
Nuovo componente inserito: Linum Usitatissimum seed oil Error
27/05/2016 - 16:38
Nuovo componente inserito: Soybean oil


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